Buying a used car takes more than waking up one morning and going to buy a car. It requires making several considerations, depending on your personal objectives and the exact car you want to buy. This post will be good for you, as I will be explaining the five most important steps to buying a used car. Firstly, never buy a used car blindly.
For any commodity to be acquired, the buyer must be able and willing to purchase it at the current market price. Now that you have decided to buy a used a car, it means you are willing and the only part left is … are you able? If your answer is yes. Then you can now go out there, select your preferred model of the vehicle you wish to buy and consider that your first step. Have a budget, decide how much money you want to spend.
Get a history report of the vehicle
Before contacting or even negotiating for prices with the car owner, let vehicle history report be your first priority. The prime history searches include, price, mileage, and the features of the vehicle. On the other hand, you could get to know if the vehicle’s odometer has been reversed,whether the vehicle has a salvage title or has been declared a total loss by the insurance company. Is the vehicle accident free? Is this the first owner?
Contact the seller
Having had your prospective car, call the seller before going to see the vehicle if you are buying one locally, as this is a good way to establish seller client relationship and deliberate on the information you found about the vehicle. You never know the seller may mention something that may make you change your mind.

Dont pay money before you are fully satisfied that the car is good
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If you still consider buying the car after talking to the seller, set a test drive appointment and let it be during the day so that you can get accurate conditions of the car. However, go to see the car early in the morning when it’s engine has not been warmed up yet so that you can detect any problems with the starting, exhaust system and so on.
Have the car inspected
Test drive the car, feel its condition, and make a decision with reference to the driving if the car is the right choice that you wanted. Be sure to test the car in your normal driving regions and preferences. Reach a limit of 70 km per hour on the test drive. Having been satisfied, have pre- purchase inspection done on the car by an accredited mechanic. This could save you money, as the vehicle may develop other problems in the future that may cost you highly.
Negotiate and close at your best deal
Having all that done, negotiate the price with the seller and then close the deal and be sure to start with at a low (but reasonable) price then let both of you settle a price that favors you. After the paper work is done then you can close the deal. You can find the best used cars on BEFORWARD.