‘Human is to error’ is a common saying exemplified in everyday activities. And driving is no exception. However, while some driving mistakes are tolerable or have less serious ramifications, you do not want to find yourself in embarrassing situations while on the road. Such situation can ruin the rest of your day. Here are some of the most common mistakes that you want to avoid at all costs.

And what about a misspell like this one?
Image source: www.buzzhunt.co.uk
Leaving blinker on
Only inexperienced drivers can easily forget turning off the blinker after making a turn. This is okay because they are still learning. However, if you own the driving experience then you don’t want to broadcast that you are an inexperienced to other road users. It could be embarrassing more especially if you are spotted by people who know you well.
Missing traffic light signal changing
You don’t want to be honked at by other drivers behind you, especially when the lights have changed to green and you are still not moving. This is one of the awkward situations you may find yourself in. Obviously, you draw attention and the middle finger once too often. Not only will you risk causing an accident but also, you may earn a traffic ticket.
Cutting off other road users
You risk causing an accident if you cut off other users on the road. This is quite immature but most people still do it for one reason or another. If you don’t want to be late, wake up early! You will save yourself the embarrassment by respecting other drivers on the road. Safety on the road is very important as is safety in any other place.
Stalling can be embarrassing, even dangerous. It is one of the common causes of road rage. If the driving limit at the road says 50km/hour, you would want to stick to that. If you stall, you risk creating a jam easily. You might understand it better if and when you are stuck in unnecessary jam for several hours. Well, as you will realize, will never be fun in such a situation.
Inappropriate parking
You would want to adhere to the parallel parking principles every time you drive to the parking lot. With parallel parking systems, you can easily mess up if you are not cautious. When it happens, you easily catch the attention of other people. Someone will eventually complain and shame you.

Remember to observe when traffic lights change let you embarrass yourself.
Image Source:news.pickuptrucks.com
Driving on the wrong side of the road
One of simple yet important traffic rules requires that drivers stick to the right side of the road. However, some drivers grossly assume this rule and risk a ticket, an accident or both by driving on the wrong side of the road. Not only is it embarrassing when people note you cannot follow simple rules but you also risk collision with an oncoming vehicle.
Using the wrong exit
Just like driving on the wrong side of the road, you should always use the right exit. This is the case because, you are likely inconvenience yourself when you realize the exit has been blocked on from the other side due to maintenance works or you collide with other oncoming vehicles.