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Hatchback Vs. Sedan Vs. SUV- What Is Best For You?
The automobile industry is on the fast lane and new vehicles are produced every day. There are many brands and as the competition gets tougher, ideas get better and consumers get better cars. Well, when looking for a vehicle to make your own, there are options and sometimes people get confused along the way. Let us look at the hatchback, sedan and SUV models in brief detail, to give you an idea of what they are and what would make a great choice for you.

The Hyundai Santa Fe is a midsized SUV
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A hatchback is simply a smaller station wagon. A hatchback features a rear trunk door that opens upwards to provide cargo space access. A hatchback can have two doors and a hatch or four doors and the hatch as the fifth. All the models share a platform in matters related to bodywork and drive-train. If you are looking for a station wagon but do not want to get the larger version, then the hatchback is the perfect vehicle for you.
A sedan is a 3-box configuration passenger vehicle which means it has three compartments for engine, passenger and cargo space. The vehicle has a hood for the engine, the passenger compartment which has ample space for adult passengers and a trunk which is the cargo compartment. This is the case with an exception of a number of models which have an engine in the rear such as Volkswagen Beetle. There are different models and designs in the world of sedans depending on the manufacturer. Though this is the case, sedans are the most common vehicles on the road and have only started to get some competition in recent years. If you want traditional vehicle where the passenger and the cargo are separated, go for a modern compact sedan.
A sports utility vehicle also referred to as suburban utility vehicle and initialized as SUV is a vehicle with features of an estate car or station wagon but mostly fitted with 4-wheel drive for off-road driving. SUVs are large but modern production has seen the introduction of compact SUVs to meet the needs of consumers. Most of the SUVs have the capacity to tow. These vehicles were popular when introduced but their demand declined due to their high fuel consumption. Today, the introduction of the crossover SUVs has seen the reduction of fuel consumption and an increase in the sale of these vehicles.

The Camry is one of the most popular compact sedans
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What do you choose?
Hatchbacks are compact vehicles which are great for town dwellers because in addition to the requirement of a small parking space, most of them have impressive fuel efficiency. Sedans are more official and traditional and some models are great with fuel. These vehicles are for people who value the separation cargo and passenger space and still enjoy the comfort of the vehicle. SUVs are a sign of purchasing power in most regions in Africa. They are seen as aggressive fuel guzzlers that cost a lot of money. Fortunately the increase in production and sales on sites like Be Forward has brought their prices to affordable levels and their fuel consumption is something to write home about. Given a hatchback, a sedan and a SUV, which one would you pick?