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Simple Car Safety TipsThat You Always Ignore
It is the simple things that count most about your safety! For example, just missing a quick look around before parking could mean a lot for you. If you park your car in a rough neighborhood, look around. Notice that group of suspicious looking fellows lurking around? That could spell trouble for you. Why aren’t they at work? Remember, when it comes to your safety and that of your car, you can never be too careful.
Roll up your windows
Traveling alone? Always keep your windows rolled up. This leaves you safe to call on your mobile and in places like Nairobi where carjackers are known to spray nasty stuff at motorists, you will be safe. Keeping your windows down could also lead to someone reaching for the door lock and opening your door from outside, especially for a car that does not have a central lock system. In addition, to thrust a gun at your face and force their way into your car, they would first have to break the window, which, unlike the misconceptions that we see in movies, is hard to do.
Hide your valuables
Keep your valuables away from prying eyes. Better yet, don’t leave any valuables in your car! Do you know why thieves break into many cars? Because people have this crazy notion that their cars are Obama’s Beast, and that they can resist break-ins. Well, we got news for you… that laptop you left lying in the backseat? If you find it gone, you will only have yourself to blame. Did you leave an executive looking leather suitcase in seat? You will most likely find it gone. You would be surprised that most of the times, a thief is tempted to steal just because he has seen something just so inviting. Keep everything locked away in the boot of your car. That way, you will not tempt a thief who was not even on the prowl in the first place.
If you can help it, please do not leave valuables in your car or this could happen to your car
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Alarm the thieves away
Invest in an alarm system! Well, at least this is a growing trend nowadays and the good thing is that if you let your insurance agent know that you have installed an alarm system in your car, they could get you a discount on your insurance rates. A car alarm is not only good for show, but it deters thieves who would like to break in and steal some of your stuff, or even steal the car itself. “Deter” is the keyword here… every car thief wants to steal in secrecy. Just for kicks, make sure you show off a bit so that anyone who had a silly idea can be discouraged. Let the vandals know your car has an alarm!
Keep your car locked in
Where do you park your car at home? In the street? Then you do not deserve a car. You should always keep your car under lock and key, in its garage. In fact, if you have a safe garage, your insurance rates will go down. How many people do you know who have woken up in the morning, only to find their car gone? So you tipped the estate guard two months ago? Joke is on you. Who is to say that the same guard will not turn a blind eye when your car does a Houdini at night? Your car’s safety is your business, unless you have employed a full-time guard for your home and property. If you have a walled compound secured by a good gate, you can park your car in your compound.
Keyless entry
Is Keyless entry safe for you? Maybe. But if you have been following car blogs like Jalopnik, you will see that nowadays, keyless entry is not foolproof. It can be hacked. At least, thieves did get away with David Beckham’s BMW in 2006. Now, before that black device used to hack keyless entry gets popular in Africa, you can try this option.