Every car out there requires regular maintenance to be conducted so as to keep it safe and performing at a high level. This is the reason why many auto repair garages are being established as the number of cars is increasing according to the population and the improving economic times.
But, do you know that you can save a lot to performing some of these repair tasks yourself-without having to pay a mechanic for every little task? Indeed, this is a recommended practice as it improves your ability to diagnose mechanical problems in your car as you save more. However, this move would mean that you have some basic auto repair tools that enable execution of the regular maintenance tasks effectively. Let us look at some of these tools.
Oil changing funnel
It is recommended that you change the car oil after every 3000 miles. This keeps the car engine in a healthy status for long, and improves the performance of your car. This task does not require a lot of expertise to perform as with this funnel, some rags and a container such as a bucket would enable you do it easily. The funnel guides the oil to the tank avoiding wastages and a possible overfilling which is detrimental.
Vice Grips
There are those moments where all your efforts to tighten a part do not bear fruit. Or those others when tightening efforts come to naught. Instead of taking them to a mechanic who charges an exorbitant fee, having vice grips would be very helpful as it enables you to tighten or loosen more effectively than would otherwise be achieved using other tools. Consider having this tool in your little home garage for this advantage.
Oil Filter Wrench
Related to the all-important task of oil change, you will need to take the oil filter off to fit the funnel and direct the oil into the oil tank. This is where the oil filter wrench comes in handy. If you do not have this simple tool, you may have to consult a mechanic to do it for you-at a fee.
The 3/8-inch Socket Set

To loosen or tighten bolts in the hard-to-reach sections of the car, this set offers solutions.
Image Source: jackofalltradestools.co.uk
On virtually all maintenance tasks of the car, you will certainly need this set. If at all you need to repair the hard to reach sections of the car under the hood, tightening or loosening of bolts, you will require having this set with you. Additional extensions enable more efficient of the constituent tools for better torque, etc.
Jack and Jack Stands
Arguably the most common auto repair tool, the jack has several applications when it comes to auto repair functions. Repairing the car under requires the car to be in an elevated position and the jack is essential. Unfortunate events such as flat tires are other situations when the jack and jack stands would be very helpful.
These are some of the most important car repair tools that you need to have in your little garage henceforth.