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Unforgettable Car Adverts For All Time
Car adverts are made to make you wish you were the one in the driving seat and to eventually make you go out and buy that car. I remember an advert that ran on CNN sometimes back for a Hyundai car. The rich baritone voice sounded so marvelous saying “Its Hyundai, like Sunday”. Are these car adverts important? Of course. Next to the home, the car is the other most important asset. Thus, manufacturers rely a lot on the most creative ads to get people to buy the car. Here are 5 car adverts that created unforgettable memories.
The banned Jaguar Villain ad
Whether we will remember this one because it was banned or because it was quite influential, well, that is debatable. I guess for a car maker, any publicity is good publicity. This advert featured Tom Hiddleston, and it is titled “The Art of Villainy – It is Good to be bad”. It was for the Jaguar F-Type coupe. It reminded one of the car chases that you see in the movie Fast Five (fast & furious 5).
The Built to Thrill Nissan Juke advert
This one was shot in South Africa in 2012 and it showed the sporty and aggressive looking small crossover SUV Nissan Juke doing some stunts. It must have worked because Nissan Juke is still a favorite for many young people in South Africa today.
Perfect getaway – Kia Sorento advert with Pierce Brosnan
Great characters have been created, but none greater than James Bond. And among all the people who played James Bond, Pierce Brosnan is right there at the top among the best for his machismo, suaveness and villainy. With his irresistible looks, the Kia Sorento must have sold to women. Well, we did not follow up on that one. We do remember however the famous “My name is Bond, James Bond” and “Vodka Martini, shaken not stirred”. Perfect getaway…
Honda Hands
This advert was named the coolest advert of the year, actually it won an award for the best car commercial of the year. It was based on exploring what curiosity can do, by showing a pair of hands tweaking and tuning different parts of engines. This advert was not for any specific car, but it was intended to show people just how far the Honda company has come in 70 years. It was supposed to show just how innovative the engineers at Honda are.
Mercedes AMG GT S beats rabbit
Well, you have to see this advert to know just how entertaining it can be. It is pretty awesome! It is actually based on an old African tale where the tortoises tricked the hare in a race. However, they didn’t say that. All the same, the Mercedes gives tortoise a ride and thus, tortoise beats hare. The hare though is a piece of work as he believes he is so ahead of tortoise such that he even stops to play poker on the way.

This is the Mercedes AMG GT S that tortoise used to beat hare in a race
Image source:
Message to space – Hyundai
This car advert was creativity at its best. It is related to space, a fact that brings to life the lovely memories of Star Trek and its renegade captain James Tiberius Kirk. In Houston a 13 year old girl has to send a message to her father in space. What is the best way to get the message to papa up there? By using Hyundai Genesis cars to write the message on the Delamar dry lake.