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Is it Diesel or Petrol for Used cars?
It is known that Africans prefer used cars, mostly for the lower pricing. Another aspect closely scrutinized when a car purchase is made in Africa is fuel consumption or efficiency. So, what happens if these two are to be considered together? How do used cars differ depending on the fuel consumed, either petrol or diesel?
Diesel Engines Advantages
- Diesel is cheaper than petrol in most parts of the world. This implies that this option is friendlier to the pocket than petrol. It is also priced lower due to lower taxation as diesel engines are more efficient thus giving lower emissions that could destroy the environment.
- Diesel engine cars also enjoy lower taxation rates during importation due to the same reason. If you are conscious about the environment and would want to contribute to its conservation, then a diesel engine is better for you.
- When buying a used car, you would want to extend its useful life as much as possible. Therefore, you will be certainly concerned about the residual effects of the fuel you use on the engine. Choosing a diesel engine provides you the best option here.
- Diesel has a better residual record on the engine due to its efficiency and the effective particulate filters on the fuel in the engine. For this reason, a diesel engine remains in a healthy state for much longer than petrol engines.
- In terms of engine power, another important consideration to make, diesel engines offer increased torque which can be important when overtaking or towing an object.
Petrol Engines
Should you choose a petrol engine, you are sure to face higher tax rates for its higher emission levels. However, these engines are cheaper than their diesel counterparts. The petrol engine has some obvious advantages including;
- Petrol cars have been found to be preferable, in terms of fuel cost, for users whose usage remains below 11000 miles per year. For higher mileages than this count, a study has shown that diesel cars are better.
- Due to the higher energy content available in petrol, petrol powered engines make these cars faster. It is thus advisable to choose a petrol engine used car if speed is what a buyer is after.
- Although diesel engines are known to be better due to lower air pollution, petrol engines outdo them when it comes to noise pollution. Petrol car engines are much quieter as compared to the diesel engines.
- Finally, engineers and automakers have stepped up efforts to build super economical petrol engines that ensure minimal emissions by increasing their efficiency.
Petrol and Diesel Maintenance Costs
On average, the routine maintenance costs for these engines are comparable and almost equal. These points will help you make the choice between petrol and diesel for your used car.