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Why You Need GPS In Your Car
If you have lived in your town for a long time, do you need GPS in your car? Forget about the benefits for a brief moment and think … if the standard for every car now, even secondhand cars from Japan, is to have a GPS system, why would you want to buy a car without one? A car is a big investment and therefore you should never shortchange yourself when you are buying one. The good news is that you will get the best in the market.

Do not get lost. Buy a car with GPS system
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GPS has many advantages, and one of them is that you will never lose direction. Thus, you will not spend more fuel than you should looking for a place that you can find with your GPS. If a ship sails without a compass, it can get lost in the vast oceans. It is the same with a car. If you have GPS, you can find directions easily.
Benefits to business people
Global Positioning System (GPS) locates the exact location of the car or any other object attached to it. It records data and stores it in the GPS tracking unit. It then transmits the data to a database using a modem embedded in the device. The location is then displayed against a map backdrop in real time, thus enabling a person on the other side to know exactly where the car is.

GPS is great for commercial use, for example, in moving and delivery businesses.
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Do you own a delivery service, maybe a moving service where you are contracted to move items from one point to another? Having GPS installed in the vehicle would indeed be a big plus because you can access the times of delivery and the location too should the customer raise a dispute later.
In addition to solving such disputes with customers, you can also be able to keep your drivers under tabs. For example, you can be able to know how long they stayed at a particular place or when they take a detour from the laid out routes. GPS can thus help your delivery, taxi or moving business improve with enhanced productivity from the employees.
Benefits of GPS to individual users
It tracks fuel usage – that is right, GPS will alert you when you are running low on fuel. But that is not just about all because you can also use it to find the shortest routes to wherever you are going so you can save more fuel and time. GPS will be your third eye, a navigation assistant that will show you the lanes affected by traffic hence helping you avoid them.

GPS device on a car dashboard
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Adds value to your car – One of the things that people consider when they are buying secondhand Japanese car from BEFORWARD is whether it will have some resale value after, say, 5 years of use. With a GPS, your car has a higher re-sale value than one without.
Did you know the insurance premiums for people who have installed GPS in their cars are cheaper? You should inform your insurance agent once you have installed GPS or if you bought a car that came with a GPS system preinstalled.